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Next Brew Box Shipment Date -> 1st May 2024 🗓
Next Brew Box Shipment Date -> 1st May 2024 🗓





El TAMBO, Uribe, Cauca


Castillo, Colombia


1850–1900 masl


Washed (Women Coop)

“About this Coffee

When Tony Speight hand built his first coffee roaster in 2004, whether he knew it or not, he had turned a corner from enthusiastic hobbyist to a seriously passionate artisan coffee roaster.

The timing, it seems, couldn’t have been better for setting down an early foundation of what would become West Cork’s first commercial micro coffee roastery in 2016.

WCC grew organically and Tony’s coffee started to garner the attention of a small number of local food businesses with an appreciation of excellent coffee.

Tony decided to create his specialty coffee roastery at The Forge in Innishannon, West Cork.

WCC were selected for The London Coffee Masters 2017/18 & Tony continues to grow WCC in the specialty coffee market.
About The Farmer

ASMUCAFE stands for Asociación de Mujeres Agropecuarias de Uribe, an organization of women farmers and landowners in El Tambo, a municipality within Cauca. The women's mission as an association is to improve their families' quality of life through coffee farming, and to contribute positively to their community by working together and sharing resources, knowledge, and support. "Our work is determined by our values such as responsibility, honesty, commitment, respect, solidarity, and competitiveness,"

The coffee, all of which is of Castillo or Colombia variety, is picked as purple (Castillo) or bright red (Colombia) cherry, and undergoes a somewhat unusual "double" fermentation process, as the women describe it: First, the cherries are left in the loading hoppers for 14 hours, then they are depulped in the afternoons and evening hours and placed into traditional open fermentation tanks for another 10 hours. Then they are washed three to four times before being dried either in parabolic dryers or in the sun for 8–12 days.